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Im trying to do report on dentally for the actual amount of time spent treating patients. However, it seems that when an appointments is double booked ( like a family appointment where all members have one time for the appointment) then dentally does not calculate this accurately, and only allocates the whole time of the family appointment to the report rather than the time spent on individual patients in that family.  so the reports are inaccurate. This is a very important report so we can work out the actual time spent for therapists treating patients , as some of these therapists are paid on an hourly rate.  how can we work the actual time spent iand take account of the actual time rather than the double bookings time in the diaries?

Hello DR P!


I understand that when multiple family members are booked together under a single “family appointment,” Dentally doesn’t split the reported time per individual patient. As a result, the time you see in the reports will be for the entire block, rather than accurately reflecting each patient’s chair time.

You can try using the Appointments Report > Export the Appointments Report going to Reports > Appointments and exporting will give you columns like “In Surgery Duration” with the entire patient journey. While you’ll still need to manually divide that time among family members, this at least gives you the full appointment duration data to work from.

I understand this is not ideal, so I’ve shared a new feedback piece for our Product team as I can see how useful this would be. I’ll make sure to share any updates in this area as soon as they’re available.


One potential workaround would be creating individual appointments for each family member as a way to get accurate reporting per patient. 


Thanks for taking the time to share your experience with us!

Hi ​@DR P Dentally isn’t designed for family appointments of this nature, and the appointments should ideally be split for each family member, as Simone has mentioned above; this way, each patient has their own appointments listed in the record. 

To pay staff an hourly wage, I would suggest working off the treatment line items themselves and the practitioner activity report. These treatment items have to be charted through by the clinician and are time-stamped and locked after 24 hours, so edits can not be made making them more accurate and secure. 

I would recommend setting default times and prices against all treatment items within the treatments and plans settings section. You can allow your staff to edit, or alternatively lock the times or prices so they can not. 

This is an important metric as it would allow us also to compare hourly rates of different performers.

Going forward dentally needs to be updated to allow these basic metrics and KPIs.
