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Is it possible to assign tasks to multiple people rather than setting sub tasks?

Hey Lesley!

At the moment, Dentally’s task management system doesn’t support assigning a single task to multiple people. Each task can only be assigned to one person using the ‘Assignee’ field.


That said, there are a few ways you can manage tasks involving multiple team members:

Separate tasks: You can create individual tasks for each person involved to make responsibilities clearer.

Notes feature: Use the task’s ‘Notes’ section to tag or mention other team members who need to collaborate.

Follow-up tasks: Create related follow-up tasks for other team members, linking them back to the original task.


These options can help keep everyone in the loop and manage workload efficiently.


I’ve added your feedback to a request we’ve already received about this. If you have more thoughts on how you’d like to see tasks work, feel free to share, I’ll make sure to pass them on! 😊

Hey Saymon,

Thanks for the response, we have been using Asana to manage task that aren’t patient specific but wanted to try bringing them all into one place. The things I would like to see are

  1. The ability to see updates on the tasks I have set team memners.
  2. Have co-owners for tasks
  3. Alerts for team member when a task is due or overdue
  4. The task assigned to being compulsory - whether it is for the person setting the task or the team member it is assigned to, as we seem to have a lot of tasks with no ownership

At the moment I have set the team a tasks of cleaning up the feature of all the tasks that have been set and no-one has closed down:-( 

I hope this helps

