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Hi all, HNY. If a patient hasn’t got an email address and you have to print a copy of the estimate for them, then is there a record anywhere that this has been printed? i am doing an audit and we need to assess and it doesn’t seem to keep a digital record of a print out, only that the emailed estimate has been sent? help!  

Hi Bethan, and Happy New Year to you too! 

At the moment Dentally doesn’t specifically track whether an estimate has been printed, however any estimate you generate is automatically saved in the patient’s Correspondence section. This includes both emailed and printed estimates.


For your audit you can try to:

1️⃣ Go to the patient’s ‘Correspondence’ tab.

2️⃣ Locate the estimate in the list.

3️⃣ Click ‘View’ to access the digital record.


This digital record serves as evidence that the estimate was created and can be used for audit purposes. You can also check the timestamp of when the estimate was created or last modified to assist with your assessment.


That said, I can see how having a specific feature to track print actions would be really useful. I’ll make sure to pass this feedback along to our Product team for consideration and I’ll keep this post updated on any progress 😊. I hope that helps! 
