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I was wondering if there was an option to show the treating dentist when printing a daylist? Our hygienists charge the dentist a fee for seeing their Denplan patients and it would just be quicker if this was written on the daylist instead of checking each patient individually as they keep forgetting and then come pay day, it is my job to go through the entire month and check for them 🙃


We had this problem. After a bit of designing I created a workaround. 

I export a tpateint list with all the paremeters set for my practice, then copy the pt list to an excel sheet which works out who belongs to who then i import that straight into another sheet which works out the cost to the dentist

Tom I love your idea and the workaround you have. As not everyone is an Excel wizard, I’ve listed a video below which gives a couple more options. 
Tracking Maintenance plan patients - Video 

​@Small but knowing Clown keen to get your feedback and how this can help you moving forward. 
