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I have a suggestion for the search function under the history tab in a patient’s file/treatment:

  • Is it possible for the word or tooth number being searched for to become highlighted
  • As if the notes for an appointment are quite long it can be more bothersome to try and find what I’m searching for. 

Thanks Stephanie, that’s a good suggestion. The experience of the history tab is an area we’re keen to improve, so I’ve added this as a consideration/idea for our Product team in that area.

I know it’s not the same outcome, but one option that may help here is Chrome’s built-in “find” highlighting. Pressing ctrl+f  (cmd +f on mac) should bring up a search bar like this that will search the whole tab.

You can then search for content within the long note which highlights the result like this (I’ve used a dummy text generator to create example long note content). You can see the word Dentally highlighted.

This may not be helpful if you’re searching for a word that’s used a lot throughout the tab, but if your search term is unique it may help you find what you’re looking for a little faster.
